=========================================================================== HELPME.TXT =========================================================================== Please Read this document for help with Solder Runner. Remember to save your game often to prevent you from being forced to start over from scratch if your energy runs out or you get trapped. PROBLEM: The Monsters move too fast, and I cant see the zaps move. SOLUTION: Select the Set Speed (Option 4) from the main menu screen and decrease the game speed by pressing the (-) key until the monsters on the screen slow down to a playable rate. PROBLEM: The Monsters and zaps move too slow. SOLUTION: Select the Set Speed (Option 4) from the main menu screen and increase the game speed by pressing the (+) key until the monsters on the screen speed up to a playable rate. If you reach the maximum speed rate and the monsters are still too slow, consider upgrading your CPU or running this game using a clean PC boot. PROBLEM: The main menu doesn't seem to be responding correctly. SOLUTION: If you do not hear a digitized sound at the main menu your sound card may not be compatible with the sound settings of the game. Execute the setup.exe program and disable the sound option.